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Phone: 210-662-2220


BS - Interdisciplinary Studies (BSIS) Texas A&M Commerce

MS - School Counseling Texas A&M International

Mrs. Krystal Kuykendall

Hello, Woodlake Elementary! My name is Krystal Kuykendall and I will be the school counselor this year. This will be my 16th year in education and my 6th year with Judson ISD. I spent 5 years at Hopkins and am so thrilled to now be a Viking! I am originally from the Waco area in central Texas but have been in San Antonio for 7 years. I am married with 3 adult children, with 2 of my children being in the medical field. We are a family that loves football and look forward to football season every year! Oddly enough, my favorite NFL team is the Cleveland Browns! I am so excited to begin serving our Viking students and their families!