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Family-School Compact

A Family-School Compact is jointly developed with parents for all children served. A family-school compact outlines how families, the entire school staff, and students will share responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and families will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the State's high standards.

At Woodlake, we aim for reasonable, yet ambitious growth. Success will look different for each child, so we are always aiming for growth. Solid building blocks lay the academic foundation and can greatly affect the trajectory of a child's future. It is our goal to "get it right" before they head out into the more busy and complex life of middle and high school and beyond. This is a huge task and we need your help and support.

Judson ISD Vision: JISD is Producing Excellence! Mission: All JISD students will receive a quality education enabling them to become successful in a global society. Goal 1: Effective Instruction- Judson ISD students will meet or exceed grade-level expectations and be college, career, or military ready. Goal 2: Involving families and communities-Judson ISD students and staff will feel involved, connected, supported, safe, and valued in their pursuit of excellence. Goal 3: Positive school culture-Judson families and community members will be involved in Judson ISD. Goal 4: Leadership-Judson ISD will grow leaders and sustain the growth of outstanding leaders over time. Goal 5: Customer Service-Judson ISD will strive to consistently model kindness and empathy with *out students, families, and community.

Teams will work diligently with students and their families to support success in all academic areas. Our academic goals are as follows: All students will read and comprehend on grade level. All students will utilize problem-solving skills and process thinking. All students will have automaticity of mathematical operations. All students will communicate effectively as writers, listeners, and speakers. All students will use scientific inquiry methods and academic vocabulary.

Our teams of educators appreciate your help and support tremendously. The unique challenges we have faced these past years have left many of our students with social, emotional, and academic gaps that continue to be challenging. We need your help now more than ever. Research shows when parents and families get involved, students are more successful in school. Please help with the following: Best possible attendance Check folders and backpacks daily Contact teachers or staff when you have a question or concern Attend the orientation session, conferences with the teacher, and PTO meetings and workshops whenever possible Remind your child to read for at least 20 minutes every day Have fun with math-practice math facts Take advantage of the district-provided educational programs like Amplify Reading, Zearn, and SORA.